Published 13 years, 4 weeks pastRight in the middle of AEA Atlanta — which was awesome, I really must say — there were two announcements that stand to invalidate (or at least greatly alter) portions of the talk I delivered. One, which I believe came out as I was on stage, was the publication of the latest draft of the CSS3 Positioned Layout Module. We’ll see if it triggers change or not; I haven’t read it yet.
The other was the publication of the minutes of the CSS Working Group meeting in Paris, where it was revealed that several vendors are about to support the -webkit-
vendor prefix in their own very non-WebKit browsers. Thus, to pick but a single random example, Firefox would throw a drop shadow on a heading whose entire author CSS is h1 {-webkit-box-shadow: 2px 5px 3px gray;}
As an author, it sounds good as long as you haven’t really thought about it very hard, or if perhaps you have a very weak sense of the history of web standards and browser development. It fits right in with the recurring question, “Why are we screwing around with prefixes when vendors should just implement properties completely correctly, or not at all?” Those idealized end-states always sound great, but years of evidence (and reams upon reams of bug-charting material) indicate it’s an unrealistic approach.
As a vendor, it may be the least bad choice available in an ever-competitive marketplace. After all, if there were a few million sites that you could render as intended if only the authors used your prefix instead of just one, which would you rather: embark on a protracted, massive awareness campaign that would probably be contradicted to death by people with their own axes to grind; or just support the damn prefix and move on with life?
The practical upshot is that browsers “supporting alien CSS vendor prefixes”, as Craig Grannell put it, seriously cripples the whole concept of vendor prefixes. It may well reduce them to outright pointlessness. I am on record as being a fan of vendor prefixes, and furthermore as someone who advocated for the formalization of prefixing as a part of the specification-approval process. Of course I still think I had good ideas, but those ideas are currently being sliced to death on the shoals of reality. Fingers can point all they like, but in the end what matters is what happened, not what should have happened if only we’d been a little smarter, a little more angelic, whatever.
I’ve seen a proposal that vendors agree to only support other prefixes in cases where they are un-prefixing their own support. To continue the previous example, that would mean that when Firefox starts supporting the bare box-shadow
, they will also support -webkit-box-shadow
(and, one presumes, -ms-box-shadow
and -o-box-shadow
and so on). That would mitigate the worst of the damage, and it’s probably worth trying. It could well buy us a few years.
Developers are also trying to help repair the damage before it’s too late. Christian Heilmann has launched an effort to get GitHub-based projects updated to stop being WebKit-only, and Aarron Gustafson has published a UNIX command to find all your CSS files containing webkit
along with a call to update anything that’s not cross-browser friendly. Others are making similar calls and recommendations. You could use PrefixFree as a quick stopgap while going through the effort of doing manual updates. You could make sure your CSS pre-processor, if that’s how you swing, is set up to do auto-prefixing.
Non-WebKit vendors are in a corner, and we helped put them there. If the proposed prefix change is going to be forestalled, we have to get them out. Doing that will take a lot of time and effort and awareness and, above all, widespread interest in doing the right thing.
Thus my fairly deep pessimism. I’d love to be proven wrong, but I have to assume the vendors will push ahead with this regardless. It’s what we did at Netscape ten years ago, and almost certainly would have done despite any outcry. I don’t mean to denigrate or undermine any of the efforts I mentioned before — they’re absolutely worth doing even if every non-WebKit browser starts supporting -webkit-
properties next week. If nothing else, it will serve as evidence of your commitment to professional craftsmanship. The real question is: how many of your fellow developers come close to that level of commitment?
And I identify that as the real question because it’s the question vendors are asking — must ask — themselves, and the answer serves as the compass for their course.