Posts in the Personal Category

Pocket Style, Take Two

Published 20 years, 7 months past
A picture of the cover of 'CSS Pocket Reference, Second Edition'

Just a few hours ago, I received a FedEx package containing a brand spankin’ new copy of the CSS Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition.  This new edition includes all of the CSS2 and CSS2.1 properties and values, information and algorithms covering the box model, table layout, font selection, and more.  It’s almost 130 pages, and that’s without a single page of it taken up by support charts.  The first edition has taken some flak for being obsolete; this new edition should address those concerns.  (Unless of course you want a CSS3 pocket reference, in which case this book won’t help you, and anyway, you’ll need much bigger pockets.)

And it’s still just $9.95!  What a bargain.  You should buy two.  That way you can have one for your pocket, where it will be handily available at all times, and the other for your bookshelf, where it will stay crisp and neat.

For a while I’d had a vague plan that, when this book’s arrival was announced, I would take that opportunity to say that I was taking a break from book writing for a while.  So much for that plan; I just today agreed to start another project.  Looks as though Molly was right about me.  I wonder how long it will be until there’s a cure…

Iron and Candy

Published 20 years, 7 months past
A picture of Eric and Kat in profile, touching noses and smiling.

It’s been half a dozen years since Kat and I exchanged wedding vows on a hot Long Island summer afternoon, vowing before a small gathering of family and friends our intention to provide mutual support, understanding, and daily laughter.  We were married by a justice of the peace, the colleague of Kat’s across-the-street neighbor Lester.  She had long planned to have her neighbor, also a justice of the peace, officiate at her wedding.  Unfortunately, he died before we’d even met, but he was there in spirit.  It was Lester’s old judicial robes the justice wore when he presided over our marriage.

At times, our vow to bring laughter to each other has been sorely tested, but we always come back to it.  It’s one of the best promises we’ve ever made.

iLike iLife 4

Published 20 years, 7 months past

Long-time readers may recall my ranting about iLife 4 being a for-money upgrade, which in the end was as much about my lack of understanding as it was about Apple’s (perceived) silence on the subject.  As it turns out, I never got around to buying iLife 4, so I was happy to have it bundled with my new PowerBook.  That’s right, folks, I spent over $2,000 on a laptop, but I saved $49 in the process!  Ph34r my l33t sh0pp1ng sk1llz!

So I imported my entire iPhoto library into iPhoto 4, which only took about 45 minutes.  In the process, I discovered that I actually have 4,080 photos so far.  There was some weirdness, in that iPhoto 4 claimed to have discovered 234 “lost” images.  Under half were duplicates, and the rest were completely blank files with the same names as photos I already had.  So I threw them all away, and landed at 4,080 pictures.  Once I figured out the keyword interface, which is by no means intuitive (or even very usable), I set about adding metadata to some of my images.  The first order of business, of course, was to tag all pictures of Carolyn and organize them into a smart album.  Guess how many pictures I’ve take of her so far?  We’ll have the answer in a moment, but first, here’s a recent one of her sitting up on her own, which she started doing a couple of weeks ago. A picture of Carolyn sitting up and reaching upward, an enormous smile upon her face.

Everything I’ve heard about the improved speed in iPhoto 4 proves to be correct, and possibly understated.  This thing screams.  It still generates bloated directories, though, given the number of XML files and image copies it’s capable of producing.  This is largely so that it can support a “Revert to Original” feature, so any time you take out red-eye or lighten up an image, you end up with both the original and the modified image on your hard drive.  The same happens if you do no more than rotate an image.

That’s where iPhoto Diet comes in so very handy.  It’s a small application that can get rid of all unnecessary duplicates in your iPhoto library, and it can also delete the originals of all rotated images.  It can also wipe out all the originals, replacing them with the modified versions.  I ran it on my library before I migrated to the new machine and reclaimed over half a gig of drive space.  And that was only getting rid of unnecessary and rotated duplicates, not all originals.  I did a lot of red-eye reductions, and those are still around.  I also have yet to run the “strip thumbnails” option, which could easily reclaim a few dozen megabytes.

I haven’t really played with the rest of the iLife suite since I don’t have a video camera or a garage band.  I may eventually burn some images to a DVD for relatives to play on their TVs.  If I can figure out how to use Garage Band, I might try creating some background tracks for use in radio production work.  It’s nice to know the options are there.

And the answer to today’s trivia question is: as of this writing, the smart album titled “The Compleat Carolyn” contains 1,832 pictures.  At this rate, we’ll have about three thousand pictures of her by her first birthday.

Partied Out

Published 20 years, 7 months past

By rights, I should be a Republican.  No, I’m not kidding.  Bear with me for a moment.

If the Republican Party actually carried through on the core principles it espouses, I’d pretty much have to register that way.  I’m all for a decrease in government’s interference in the personal lives of its citizens, and that goes for silent intrusion as well as active meddling.  I’m all for the government being as small as it needs to be, and no smaller.  I believe that the government provides a number of critical services, and those should be funded, but that there should be intelligent restrictions on its growth.  I also believe in fiscal responsibility, in eliminating deficits, and in returning any surplus to the taxpayers (once all debts are paid off and services are funded).

So what do we have instead?  A party that proposes amending the Constitution to prohibit some kinds of marriage, that keeps increasing the size of the government, and that runs up massive debts while cutting off income.  Their leaders and highest-profile supporters tend to be the most annoying brand of hypocrite: preaching morality and decency while not acting in accordance with those ideals, publicly or privately.

As for debates about national security and terrorism, the more often I hear right-wingers respond to questions and criticism with accusations America-hating, the more I start to think that they have no rational policy, and their lame rhetorical attacks are meant to obscure this weakness.  It’s probably an unfair perception, but it’s hard to avoid.

Then, of course, we have the Democrats.  They’ve traditionally been in favor of increasing spending in order to provide expanded social services, which in any sane fiscal environment requires an increase in taxes.  Thus the old cliché of “tax-and-spend liberal”.  (To which I usually reply, “Well, duh, if taxes are levied then the money should be spent”.)  But the last Democratic president, faced with a surplus, used it to get government debt under control.  He didn’t try to blow it all on entitlements, at least not after the universal health care proposal died, or try to fund some massive boondoggle.  He actually used it to reduce the fiscal burden on future generations.

The usual argument is that he didn’t do this of his own volition, but was forced into it by a Republican Congress.  I no longer accept that claim, because I’ve been watching the current Republican Congress.  No real signs of fiscal discipline there, I’m sorry to say.  So it would seem that the party of smaller government and fiscal responsibility is, in reality… the Democrats.  Say what?

As for national security, the left has been great about asking tough questions, but not all that good at formulating a decent policy—or, if they have one, then they’ve done a terrible job of promoting it.  It’s one thing to criticize what’s being done, and quite another to propose a workable alternative.

And that leads us up to the 2004 Presidential election.  I’m reminded of the 1988 election, when I seriously considered flipping a coin to determine my vote.  Neither choice really made me happy.  Same thing here.  I’m no fan of President Bush or his policies, but I’ve yet to see that Kerry is a worthwhile alternative.  I know some people who say “Anyone but Bush,” but I categorically refuse to pick the leader of the country that way.  I know some people claim nobody could be worse than Bush, and I’m glad they do, because it makes their reality-distortion tendencies more obvious.  There’s plenty of people who could be worse than Bush.  The question in my mind is whether or not John Kerry would make a better leader than George W. Bush.

It would be nice if I could get a clear picture along those lines.  So far, any hope of finding out has been obscured by the fountains of venomous bile the two sides keep spewing at each other.  Back in late 2000, I wrote:

…I’m finding that every time a campaign spokesman from either side opens his mouth, my opinion of him drops.  Every time. That’s just, you know, depressing.

It’s no less true, or for that matter less depressing, at present.  And pundits wonder why voter apathy runs so high.  I honestly think it’s because most of us just don’t want to waste any more time listening to the shrill schoolyard taunts that pass for political debate.

It doesn’t help that most taunts are equally applicable to both sides, thus deepening the sense of futility.  To take just one example, the Republicans keep painting John Kerry as a “flip-flopper”.  How droll.  He has been a senator long enough to have voted in myriad ways, it’s true.  In some cases, it’s because one bill is worth supporting, and another is not, even though they’re ostensibly about the same thing.  In others, it might be that he’d changed his mind.  Most humans do, at some point.

Thing is, Bush is no less a flip-flopper.  He’s been against trade barriers like steel tariffs, and then for them.  He’s been against education reform, and for it.  He’s been against nation-building, and for nation-building.  He’s been against independent inquiries into the 9/11 attacks, and for them.  He’s been against negotiating with the North Koreans over their nuclear program, and in favor of negotiating with them.  Those are some pretty major changes of position.  And I’m generally okay with that; a pragmatist must sometimes change stance to get things done, and any intelligent person will change their mind if new and compelling information comes to light.  I will gladly accept a leader who changes his mind when it makes sense to do so, or even when they have become convinced of the need to do so.  Still, doesn’t it seems rather hypocritical of Bush and Cheney to excoriate Kerry for changing positions when W and company have been doing the same thing in fairly big ways?

It’s hard to take either party seriously any more.  I sometimes wonder if there will be a serious political party in my lifetime—either because one of the existing parties grows up, or due to a serious-minded third party actually gaining traction and becoming a force in national politics.  Both seem about equally unlikely.

And so I face the prospect of forcing myself to the polls, participating in the election process only because abstention is unacceptable to me.  Thus a right and a duty becomes a frustration and a chore.

That’s probably the worst part of all.

Head In The Clouds

Published 20 years, 7 months past

I recently wrote about being fascinated by clouds.  This fascination is something I’ve always had, and it doesn’t seem to have lessened over the years.  If anything, it’s become stronger.

More than a decade ago, I stood in a hotel room in Minneapolis and watched a tiny smear of a cloud appear, grow, shrink, and finally disappear completely from an otherwise clear blue sky.  As I watched it fade, I thought of the opening of Arthur C. Clarke’s Against the Fall of Night.  I still wonder why it appeared at all, especially since its lifespan was so brief.  If its existence was so tenuous to begin with, why did it ever exist?

On a recent flight from Minneapolis to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, our Saab 340 propeller plane nosed between and just over a series of wispy clouds.  I love looking at clouds from the air, particularly when they’re close enough to make out the fine structural details.  These were particularly complex, consisting of tangles of vaporous filaments that stretched and merged like pulled cotton.

Clouds mystify me.  What is it that causes one part of the air to contain a cloud, and another to be clear?  Put another way, what defines the edge of clouds, particularly the filamentary ones like those through which we flew?

At the macro level, of course, some atmospheric conditions simply don’t favor cloud formation.  The micro level is where I have the questions.  Once a cloud starts to form, what keeps it from continuing to grow until it fills the entire sky, or at least the entire vicinity?  As we flew over Iowa toward Detroit, there was a scattering of small, roundish clouds near the ground.  What caused them to form where they did, and why did they stay small and round?  Why didn’t they smear out, or build up in mass?  Another good example are the summer clouds that rapidly scoot through a clear sky on days that are not particularly humid.  The wind doesn’t rip these clouds apart, and they don’t seem either to grow or shrink.  What conditions formed them?  What holds them so firmly together?

As a child, I once ran out into a windy rain storm to look at the storm clouds overhead.  I stared straight up and saw a massive cloud wall stretching up into the haze and high-level rain, and in that moment I could almost feel the boundaries of the cold front as it swept over our house.  As a senior in high school, I watched a late-afternoon thunderstorm move away, bisecting the sky into dark gray and a profound golden glow that I can still scarcely believe existed.  I kept trying to understand how this combination could happen even as I thrilled at its existence.

I once thought seriously about studying for a career in meteorology, and this fascination is most of the reason why.


Published 20 years, 7 months past

This Saturday, July 17th, I’m going to be participating in a Blog-a-thon.  “What’s that?” you may ask.  It’s like a Walk-a-thon, where a person collects pledges for charity and then participates in a walk or other event.  Well, in this case Gini and Ferrett are conducting a Blog-a-thon, where they’ll be posting a new blog entry every half hour for twenty-four hours.  The proceeds go to charities of their choices.  In Ferrett’s case, it’s the The National Hemophilia Foundation, in honor of his late uncle Tommy.  Gini is raising money for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, in honor of her late friend Annie.

This year, Gini’s cause is my cause as well, in honor of my late mother Carol.  If you’d like to support my participation in the event, or indeed simply support breast cancer research on general principles, then please go make a donation to Gini via PayPal.  As I say, all money raised for Blog-a-thon will go to the charities involved; nothing will be held back.

I won’t be going the whole 24 hours—I’m old, I’m terrible at all-nighters, and I have a baby girl to exhaust me.  What I will be doing is showing up early in the afternoon on Saturday with Carolyn and hanging out with the blogging crowd.  They’re planning to set up a web cam, so you’ll be able to see Carolyn furrow her brow at the rest of us.  I’ll also be posting entries as the spirit moves me, not on an every-half-hour basis.  Kat will join us later on in the afternoon.  We may or may not stay until the Blog-a-thon ends at midnight.  That will be determined by how we feel, and how well Carolyn deals with a whole house of hooting, giggling, typing people when she’s trying to sleep. 

Thanks to any and all who can help out.

Party Time

Published 20 years, 7 months past

We just wrapped up our annual summer porch party, otherwise known as the “Paella and Sangria” party.  Kat makes three different paellas, and her own sangria, as well as a non-alcoholic version for those who can’t or won’t imbibe.  This party is sort of the smaller, outdoor version of our annual holiday party, which last year drew almost 150 guests.  Thankfully, the cleanup wasn’t too terrible, since the paellas were cooked in disposable tin pans and were mostly consumed anyway.  All the dessert stuff was totally gone by the time night fell.

It ended, as all good parties do, when the cops showed up.  Okay, it was one cop.  But still.

Wanted: CSS Luminary

Published 20 years, 8 months past

Recently, I had a conversation with an editor at a relatively well-known and respected publisher about a CSS book concept they’re pursuing.  I don’t want to give too much away about the book itself, since it’s their idea and not mine, but I will say that the concept more or less requires that the book’s author be a recognized name in the CSS and Web design community.

For various reasons, I’m not able to take on the project myself, so we were bouncing around various names of other people who might be a good fit.  I shared some of my ideas, but I felt like I was struggling, and after we hung up I felt like I hadn’t really been a big help.  That bothered me, so I’m going to put this to you, dear readers: tell me who would automatically make you take a CSS book seriously and consider buying it just on the strength of the name alone.  (Remember, I’m not able to take this project, so don’t say, “Why, yours, Eric!” unless you want to be derided as a pointless suck-up.)  You should probably list a couple of names, just in case you all pick one person as your primary and he or she isn’t available to do the book, either.  After a week or so I’ll pass the results on to the publisher.  Even if someone else has already named your top choice(s), list them again.  The most commonly-listed names will be the ones who are at the top of the list.

So the floor is open.  Let’s hear some names!

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